Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #18282 in DVD
- Released on: 2012-10-16
- Rating: Unrated
- Aspect ratio: 1.77:1
- Number of discs: 1
- Formats: Color, NTSC
- Original language:
English - Subtitled in:
English - Dubbed in:
English - Running time: 68 minutes
Product Description
Josh McDowell grew up in a dysfunctional family with a violent, alcoholic father and a sexually abusive caregiver. These experiences left McDowell with a lifetime of scars that drove him away from God. Eager to deny the existence of a savior, McDowell sought out conflict with the Christians he encountered in college. He mocked their beliefs and scorned their faith until they issued him a challenge: prove God doesn't exist. Obsessively, McDowell travelled the world in search of evidence contradicting Christianity. What he found instead was faith a faith that led to grace and redeemed a broken man. Undaunted is a true-life docudrama depicting how Josh McDowell set out to prove Jesus Christ never existed but ended up an apostle. His work with the Campus Crusade for Christ has allowed him to spread the gospel to over ten million young people, and he's published over 70 books in the field of Christian Apologetics, including More Than a Carpenter and Evidence That Demands a Verdict. He is a true fisher of men.
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Category : Action MovieUndaunted | Define Undaunted at
adjective 1. undismayed; not discouraged; not forced to abandon purpose or effort: undaunted by failure. 2. undiminished in courage or valor; not giving way to fear ...
Undaunted - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...
Definition of UNDAUNTED: courageously resolute especially in the face of danger or difficulty : not discouraged un·daunt·ed·ly adverb. See undaunted defined ...
undaunted - definition of undaunted by the Free Online Dictionary ...
un·daunt·ed (n-dôn t d, -dän-) adj. Not discouraged or disheartened; resolutely courageous. See Synonyms at brave. un·daunt ed·ly adv. un·daunt ed·ness n.
undaunted: Definition, Synonyms from
undaunted adj. Not discouraged or disheartened; resolutely courageous. See synonyms at brave . undauntedly undaunt ' edly adv
Undaunted Synonyms, Undaunted Antonyms |
adjective: brave, bold. Synonyms: audacious , coming on strong, courageous ... adjective: brave. Synonyms: adventurous , assuming , audacious , aweless, bantam ...
Undaunted | A Novel by Gerald Lund
Undaunted Home. content here. You need to upgrade your Flash Player
Undaunted | Easy to understand definition of undaunted by Your ...
not daunted; not faltering or hesitating because of fear or discouragement; undismayed; intrepid
Undaunted - East Carolina University. Tomorrow starts here.®
History is made in those moments when challenges are met with an unwavering commitment to succeed in doing what is right. That spirit animates East Carolina University.
Josh McDowell: 'Undaunted' to Bring Sexual Abuse to Forefront
Evangelist and renowned author Josh McDowell is celebrating 50 years in ministry work by attending a three-day event centered on the movie premier of Undaunted ...
Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the ...
A biography of Meriwether Lewis that relies heavily on the journals of both Lewis and Clark, this book is also backed up by the author's personal travels along Lewis ...
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^~ Free Watch Undaunted
Description : ^~ Watch Here Undaunted Product Details Amazon Sales Rank: #18282 in DVD Released on: 2012-10-16 Rating: Unrated Aspect ratio: 1.77:1 Nu...
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